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List of Services onboaded with SET:
  1. Issuance of Nationality Certificate
  2. Approval for export of NWFP/Timber/RBM/Stone/Boulders/Finished Products/Semi-Finished Products/Bamboo
  3. Approval for import of NWFP/Timber/RBM/Stone/Boulders/Finished Products/Semi-Finished Products/Bamboo
  4. Change of Head of Household
  5. Clearance for Research Applications
  6. DCSI License
  7. Duplicate Learner License
  8. Export Permit
  9. Filing of Personal Income Tax (PIT) Services
  10. Fishing Permit
  11. Forestry clearance for SRF land lease
  12. Gelephu Thromde-Building Construction Approval
  13. Gelephu Thromde-Occupancy Certificate
  14. Gelephu Thromde-Water Connection
  15. General Forest Produce Movement Order (GFPMO) permit
  16. Household Information
  17. Import Permit
  18. Industries-Domestic License
  19. Industries-Environment Clearance
  20. Industries-Invest Bhutan License (FDI)
  21. Issuance of English Language Proficiency Certificate (ELPC)
  22. Issuance of New CID/SR Card
  23. Issuance of Rural Timber Permit System
  24. Micro Trade License
  25. Move-in & Move-out (Inter-Dzongkhag Census Transfer)
  26. Name Change/Correction of DoB
  27. New learner license
  28. Online Export Permit
  29. Passport Services
  30. Permit for Non-Wood Forest Produce (NWFP) collection
  31. Replacement Of CID/SR Card
  32. Retail License
  33. Royalty Payment
  34. Rural Land Transaction (purchase/sale)
  35. Spouse Updation
  36. Thimphu Thromde-Building Construction Approval
  37. Thimphu Thromde-New Waterline Connection
  38. Update of Citizen Information
  39. Urban Land Transaction (purchase/sale)
  40. Visa Health check up
  41. Wholesale License
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