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Service Delivery Standards is a (minimum) set of standards to be adopted to deliver a service. The standards apply to all public services.

These standards do not describe the detail of the specific functioning of the public service centres which is best addressed in service-specific standard operating procedures and protocols.

Guiding principle: In setting service standards for the public service, a service user-centred approach has been taken to understand the end-users on their expectations and needs. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) framework was referred to bring structure to the standards. The SDS guideline is to be reviewed and revised every two years through consultative deliberations with both service users and providers.

Objective: The application of these standards is expected to:

  1. Improve the quality of service by ensuring standard adherence
  2. Provide the means to measure service performance reliably
  3. Ensure consistent application across services and help assess the performance of service providing agencies
  4. Ensure predictability by providing meaningful information to both service providers and users on the content, value, and method of service delivery

Key components of SDS

SN Standards Intent Indicators Data source
1 Information on the service access point/centre To provide information on location/contact number/focal of service centre/access point Number of platforms on which this information has been disseminated Administrative data/ Application guide
2 Information on turnaround time To inform on the time taken to deliver/avail the service, providing a complete set of required documents is ready for submission Number of platforms on which this information has been disseminated Administrative data/ Application guide
3 Information on service delivery process To display the series of stages involved while availing and successfully receiving the service outcome including information on required documents and corresponding forms Number of platforms on which service delivery process flow charts or stages accompanied by clear descriptions and required documents and forms has been shared Administrative data/ Application guide
4 Accessible service centre/access point To create an inclusive, conducive, and accessible service centre/access point Number of inclusive accessible service centres/access points Accessible audit survey/ Physical verification/ Application guide
5 SDS advocacy  To create awareness of the public on the service-specific SDS The number of ways the service-specific SDS has been displayed/advocated in legible fonts and prominent location within the service centre (both in Dzongkha and English), including in audio-visuals, web-based etc. Administrative data
6 Access to feedback platform To nudge citizens in providing suggestions/feedback towards continuous improvement in service delivery Number of feedback platforms set up by the service providing agencies (toll-free number, web-based platforms, suggestion box, etc)Percentage of service users who are satisfied with the existing feedback channels Administrative data/ SET
7 Feedback responsiveness To encourage feedback culture and to effectively respond to feedbacks (closing the feedback loop) Number of feedback that has been respondedPercentage of service users who are satisfied with the efforts of service providers who respond to their feedback Administrative data/ SET
8 Availability of help desk To provide information and assist service users Number of the accessible help desks with adequate knowledge on requirements/processes involved while availing services Administrative data/ Physical verification
9 Adequate signage board/floor directory To ensure proper navigation to and within the service centre/access point Availability of adequate signage board/floor directory displayed Physical verification/ SET
10 Use of official name card To allow easy identification of the service provider Number of service providers wearing the name card at a particular service centre Physical verification
11 Information on direct cost To provide information on the cost of the forms/registration/cards wherever applicable Number of platforms on which this information has been disseminated Administrative data
12 Effective communication skills of the service provider To communicate clear, accurate, timely information Percentage of service users who are satisfied with communication skills of the service providers SET
13 Professional presentation of the service provider To appear approachable and professional Proper attire and appearance  Survey?
14 Friendliness and courteous nature of service provider To be empathetic and? Polite, gentle, friendly, comforting, respectful, helpful, joyful SET
15 The integrity of the service provider To deliver the same quality of service to all (irrespective of status, gender, qualification, appearance, others) Number of incidences on reports/feedback regarding poor integrityPercentage of service users satisfied under parameter integrity Administrative data/SET
16 Annual revision of application guide To continuously lean the service delivery process, service-specific SDS needs to be annually reviewed and revised and updated in the concerned platform in case there are changes No. of application guides revised in a year Administrative data

Application guide: While these standards need to be integrated by service-providing agencies to provide services effectively and efficiently, it would be challenging to reflect all in the application guide. Therefore, it is suggested that at least the following components of SDS but not limited to, are included and advocated:

  1. Information on the service access point/centre
  2. Information on Turnaround time
  3. Information on service delivery process
  4. Access to feedback platform
  5. Information on direct cost
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